Post-editing of machine-translated content

Fully automated text translation is already common practice in many areas. For large project orders, the use of machine translations can be particularly helpful. In order to achieve a flawless and contextually relevant result, post-editing is indispensable.

Catalogs, product descriptions and instruction manuals are generally aimed at end users, and their contents must therefore be linguistically precise, explain the functionality of the product and withstand the critical eye of particular professional circles. Therefore, such texts require a high-quality translation which is correct in terms of both language and content. This is ensured via machine translation and intensive post-editing.

Machine translation systems ideally have to be trained on the basis of previous translations and existing subject-specific terminology to ensure their quality. This requires professionally experienced and systemically trained service providers. The machine text product cannot compete with a human translation in terms of creativity and originality. These are worked into the translation later during post editing. Therefore, the modifications which take place during the post editing process depend on the intended application of the translation. Thanks to machine translation and post-editing, time and costs can be saved in the long term compared to the traditional human translation process. Please contact us if you have any questions – we will be happy to prepare you a suitable offer!

Certified in accordance with ISO 18587:2017

KERN Global Language Services is certified in accordance with ISO 18587:2017 in the area of machine translation and post-editing. This is a certification by TÜV Hesse that we provide high-quality services in the field of machine translation and post-editing. With the wide range of machine translation systems available, we thus offer our clients an independent proof of quality, providing them with a means of comparison and the certainty that the machine translation and post-editing conform to a verifiable standard.

The norm defines important factors, including the individual work steps, the tasks, competencies and qualifications of the post-editor. The post-editors are responsible for optimizing the machine translated texts, for example by utilizing their expertise. Our machine-translated texts are post-edited according to clearly defined quality standards. The post-editing process is normally carried out via a translation memory system. Customer-specific terminology requirements can be integrated as usual.

Inquiries and advice

You have additional questions on our post-editing service or would like more information? Please get in touch! You can reach us by phone at 212-953-2070, by email at or via our contact form.

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We are happy to help

We are there for you Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Phone: 212-953-2070